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6 Benefits of a Cellular Office

Learn what both the pros and cons of a cellular office are, so you can determine if this layout is right for your business. Read on for everything you need to know about a cellular office.

A cellular office layout, also known as a closed or private office space, is an office in which the floor space is partitioned into individual or smaller spaces. These offices offer great privacy to the staff and assure them that they are trusted to manage workload and time with minimal or no supervision.

This boosted feeling of responsibility significantly improves employee morale, focus, and concentration. The cellular layout also makes interactions more productive and meaningful because when one staff member enters into another's office space or cubicle, they often do it with a purpose instead of interacting on an open bank of office building desks.

Are you looking for the most appropriate office layout, but overwhelmed by the idea? This article highlights some pros and cons of a cellular office layout to help you determine what best suits your business.

Advantages of Cellular Office

1. High Confidentiality

Since employees work in closed office buildings cubicles, they enjoy total privacy and confidentiality while working. They can take confidential calls, handle confidential data, and typify their workplaces according to their ease and coziness to create a joyful ambiance that will likely increase their overall efficiency and productivity. It is the ideal office design layout for organizations where regular jobs need to be completed in a serene and high privacy workspace.

2. Increased Focus

One of the major drawbacks of an open floor plan office layout is the inharmonious environments that frequently create unnecessary disturbances, leading to loss of concentration. In contrast, the cellular office layouts create a peaceful and commotion-free ambiance that allows the staff to concentrate on their jobs. It is the best workspace layout for the analysts, programmers, and technical staff that demand high focus and concentration.

3. Employees Can Provide Cross Cover

A small team of staff, two or three per cubicle, understands each other well and the regular task they do. If one of the members officially goes off, the close colleagues can provide a perfect cover to ensure regular activities in the company are not compromised.

4. Ideal for Introverted Employees

The staff has different working ideologies, and some may not enjoy or be less productive in a large open, planned office. If you have such employees, you need to encourage them to collaborate with others during brainstorming sessions and meetings.

However, this type of office layout will give them an individual office  to return to because they make them comfortable, which interpret to high productivity.

5. Perfect For Long Duration Group Venture

Unlike open offices, cellular offices offer the perfect environment for long-duration projects. It allows the team to stay together in closed cubicles and provides privacy and required confidentiality throughout the project period.

6. Better Security

In cellular office layouts, individual cubicles are only used by a small team and can be locked if need be, thus keeping the individual office safe for important and confidential documents. In an open plan office, such securities are lacking because the common room is shared by all employees, making such documents and personal belongings insecure.

Disadvantages of Cellular Office Layout

1. Consumes Huge Floor Space

Unlike open office layouts, cellular offices require comparatively large space because you have to design separate spaces for employees' cubicles, doors, and passageways. The additional space can be costly, especially if the offices are located in metro cities.

2. Employees May Become Unproductive.

The seclusion offered by the partitions in the cellular office layouts can hamper the staff's productivity. The layout offers the chance to be inactive and waste time. Some employees may also engage in undesirable deeds such as corruption and workplace romances.

3. Poor Administration

Staff management is relatively easy in an open office layout because you only need to carefully scan the entire common room to determine what every employee is doing. In a cellular layout, you need to visit all workspaces, which may be tiresome and time-consuming.

4. Equipment Cannot Be Shared Effectively.

In cellular layout, all cubicles are partitioned, which means every room requires different resources such as printers, fax, photocopiers, and telephone. The additional resources will increase the overall operational costs.

5. Ineffective Communication

In an open office layout, employees can effectively communicate, promoting organizational efficiency. Communication may be quite problematic in the cellular layouts because the offices are all separated by the cubicles.

Our Final Thought

Deciding on the best office design may be a daunting process. To change your current layout to cellular offices means you need to be having a few small offices already erected, or probably you want to relocate to a new building. You cannot easily change an open plan design to a cellular structure unless if you're going to renovate and change almost everything in that building.

However, if you are interested in changing your office layout, Juniper Office 3d space planning is the best starting point. With our 3D design service, we can help you create a modern office that will spark the collaboration, innovation, creativity, and productivity you are looking for. Contact us today to schedule your services.
