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How to Design an Office Interior: Our Expert Tips

Looking to elevate the design of your office interior? Find out how from the experts at Juniper today.

Designing the interior of your office collaborative space is part of the fun of moving into a new work space. It’s where you have the liberty to get a little creative and really express the personality of your business and brand so that when both visitors and team members step through those doors, they are immersed in a vibe that’s unmistakably your own. Keep reading for our best tips on design project manegment and how to do it like a pro.

Office Interior Design Considerations

Confused on how to project manage an office move? Before decorating an office interior, it’s important to consider a few factors for the work space first.

Floor Design

The floor plan design of the office space has a huge impact on your interior design. If you are renovating the whole open space, it needs to be measured and divided into different segments based on your workplace design requirements. This measured open space will be used as a reference for your office furniture design and size. 

However, if you’re renovating only part of the office space or even a single room, then the workplace design and measurements need to be catered to that area. Keep in mind that if you have a fixed floor design, it can have somewhat of a limiting effect on your interior design plans. Despite the limits, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to make some changes. 

Lighting Design 

When you start decorating an interior space, be it for the office or the home, you need to consider and keep in mind all your light sources; especially natural light ones. 

The feel and ambiance of any office layout room is greatly influenced by the surrounding light. In most office spaces, it’s best to maximize natural lighting as much as possible, and surround it with colors that amplify all the light in the small space. 

Wall Color

Depending on the extent of your design skills, you might decide to change some wall colors––or not! However, if you’re not going to change the wall colors, then you should consider the current color scheme before introducing any other interior design elements into the conference room. Like your lighting, the goal is to maximize the brightness of the room.

Floor Color / Carpet

The flooring of your office will also have an effect on the overall design of the space. If the floor is wood, you may decide you don’t want to cover it up with carpeting. 

Whatever type of flooring you have or install––depending on your budget––it should always be a consideration when deciding the overall color scheme of your interior office space. Otherwise, you’ll have a floor that looks wholly out of place with your walls and furniture.

Shelving Space

When designing the interior of an office, another thing to always consider are any fixed design elements that are already present there. This can include any and all shelves, cupboards, etc., that come built-in. 

Considering what’s currently there will also give you a better idea on how much more shelving space you might need for the small space, so that you can incorporate those needs into your interior design ideas. You could even add an overhead storage option to save some space!

Office Interior Design Tips

While these tips certainly aren’t an exhaustive list of ideas, hopefully they can give you a great baseline as you begin to design your office interior.

Create an Unforgettable Reception Area

Your first impression is also your last impression. This is true in life and in business. When someone walks into a room attached to your business and receives a poor impression, they might not return. 

Your reception area offers that first and last impression of your company to potential clients and/or potential employees. Therefore, you need to design it very carefully so it provides a well-curated image of your company to anyone looking. 

Your reception or lobby area is where you can go all out. Get that big chandelier, or that sleek sofa and chaise, that large TV screen, the stunning center-piece table––whatever it is! If space is limited, check out small office reception design ideas.

However, make sure all furniture for seating is comfortable enough to sit on for extended periods of time, because let’s be honest––reception areas also often double as waiting lounges!

Promote Collaboration

No interior design of a modern office space is complete without a proper collaboration area. In fact, all shared work areas should be designed around the goal of promoting and encouraging collaboration. 

This can look something like having group sitting areas with chairs with tablet tables, smart boards, a cork board on a wall to pin ideas, round meeting tables, and more. If it helps encourage the sharing of thoughts and ideas, it probably would go well in the collaboration area. 

Encourage Productivity

Colors and layout of items in your surroundings can have a resounding impact on your mental alertness. For example, its easier to relax and sleep in a dark and cool room, than it is to sleep in a brightly lit, warm room. 

The interior design of your office space should cater to all aspects of a healthy work environment, including the importance of encouraging and boosting productivity. 

To that end, incorporate station areas where people can come and go to rejuvenate and refresh themselves. Also, according to research, when people have some control over designing their workspace, that helps boost productivity levels, too. 

Moral of the story? Ask for a little employee feedback and advice before designing the interior office space. 

Spark Creativity 

Remember, the color scheme of a room can have a big impact on the mental health and well-being of employees that use the room. That impact can hinder your team’s creativity and productivity. Try adding a brightly colored wall in the collaboration area or lounge space to help spark a little extra creative juice.

Incorporate Your Office Logo / Motto 

Always incorporate your company logo and company motto throughout your office space, albeit in a subtle way. By designing the interior with your company’s colors, including the colors of task chairs and other office furniture, you can bring a sense of harmony and unity between your brand and your office.

As another example, if your logo or company colors are red and yellow, you could even add flowers or artwork using those colors in an otherwise muted and monochrome room. Subtle design elements like this can enhance almost any space.

Embrace Comfort and Style 

In this post-Covid world, most people have gotten used to working from the comfort of home. However, you can bring some of that comfort into a newly designed office space, too. The easiest way of making sure of this is to get the right kind of furniture. That means furniture that is both comfortable and stylish. 

For example, you can place relaxing couches or sofas in the lounge room, and have fresh green plants arranged throughout the space. Your office desk and chairs should also be both comfortable and stylish.

The best amalgamation of the two is to opt for ergonomic furniture. Such furniture is designed to help maintain the healthy posture of the human body and to protect it from unnecessary damage. 

Find the Lighting to Enhance the Space

Again, the lighting can make or break the overall look and feel of any room, especially the interior of an office. Maximize all-natural light by placing other furniture around it so that the light isn’t blocked. 

Additionally, make sure you install as many light fixtures as needed. An office space should have ample lighting because no one wants to work in the dark. Plus, without proper lighting, a place can look shabby. Try opting for chandeliers and hanging lights, as well as table lamps and small wall-fixed lights.  

Make Use of Your Space 

Regardless of how much office space you have, it’s rarely ever enough. Although it can depend on the size of your company, there’s always more stuff to be stored, a bigger lobby area to be made, a more detailed comfort lounge or collaboration space to be designed. The point is to make use of your space so that nothing goes to waste. 

Bring in Some Life

No interior design is ever truly complete without adding some greenery. Place some lush, green plants strategically around all the rooms. You can also enhance the freshness of any space by adding some flower vases and artwork.

Strike a Balance 

Last but not least, one of the most important tips when designing the interior of any room is to strike a balance. A balance not only between the needs and wants of multiple users, but also between old design elements and new ones. Your color scheme should also be carefully balanced to suit the interior space. 

Designing and decorating an office interior can be a fun, rewarding experience. You get to create a room that reflects your brand and company values, that you and your team will get to work in every day. What could be better?
